- 何箇所か引き締める必要があると思うというコメントを添えて原稿を返してくれた
he returned my manuscript with the comment that he thought it needed tightening up in a few places 意味
- "he returned home in a softened mood" 意味
- "he returned home on furlough" 意味
- "he returned in triumph to claim his throne" 意味
- "he returned my bow" 意味
- "he returned my clasp" 意味
- "he returned to britain with all his ambitions crushed" 意味
- "he returned to his books with redoubled diligence" 意味
- "he returned to his hotel, pondering on his next move" 意味
- "he returned to his law studies" 意味
- "he returned my bow" 意味
- "he returned my clasp" 意味
- "he returned to britain with all his ambitions crushed" 意味
- "he returned to his books with redoubled diligence" 意味